Happy tuesday bloggers, hope you are having a great day. The weather here in Cornwall is not so good today, dull and cloudy but still warm - nowhere near as lovely as it was yesterday but I guess we are into September now and heading full speed towards Autumn.
Today the project I'm sharing with you is my very first fully completed quilt. Anyone who knows me knows I have to have lots of projects on the go all at once, I get easily bored and so like to have a variety of projects to choose from at any one time. This isn't the first quilt I started, I am still working on the hand quilting of my first one, although it is almost completed. Today's quilt was all machine stitched and quilted as I thought I'd try out both hand and machine stitching to see how I enjoyed both methods.
For some reason the colours in the main pic are a little washed out, they are much more vibrant IRL.
Here's another couple of pix of the quilt part folded, the colours are much more true to life in these pix although you still can't see the gold elements on the fabric designs.

I haven't attempted anything complex or complicated for my first quilting efforts, just plain old square patchwork and simple quilting.
The fabric I used was a couple of Moda 'Holiday in Kashmir' Charm Packs, they come ready cut in 5x5 inch squares and each pack contains 42 squares.
I thought the best way to start out would be with ready cut squares as I don't have a rotary cutter, rulers or large cutting mat to cut my own from larger pieces of fabric or fat quarters. Ready cut is definitely not the cheapest way to buy fabric, but there was no need to worry about getting all the pieces the right size by using charm packs.
I just pieced the fabric designs completely randomly rather than try to form an overall design and I'm pleased with the result. It is going to look fabulous draped over my red sofa in the lounge !
Thanks for visiting to check today's project, I'll have a card to share with you on thursday and maybe I'll have something finished to post up tomorrow.