If all goes to plan, I should be home again in the early part of next week and hopefully recovering well by Christmas. I guess this year I'll be merely 'directing' and 'orchestrating' the preparation and cooking of the family Turkey Dinner rather than cooking it myself ! I'm told I need to take things really easy for at least two weeks, lots of pampering and being looked after. I'm sure that my Hubby, Dad and Son will do their best to make sure I rest and take it easy !!
Just in case I don't feel up to being on line much next week, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all A Very Merry Christmas and may you have A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
I'd also like to say a special thank you to all my wonderful Followers, I do appreciate you taking time to drop by to check out my projects and thanks for sticking with me throughout 2011. Also to those who do visit regularly but aren't signed up as an 'official' Follower, thanks so much to you also.
I hope to be well enough to be crafting again in January and I'm looking forward to sharing my projects on here with you again.