I was much happier with the pattern/instructions for this one than I was with the February block and managed to finish this one in just over an hour.
I'm quite pleased with how this one turned out and seeing all the blocks made so far together, my fabric choice seems to be working out well. I'm thinking I might quilt each block individually before stitching them together, but haven't made the final decision yet as I'm not entirely sure whether I'll join them all into one quilt top or use them some other way.
Do pop over to check out the blogs of my pals Linda and Karen, we are all doing the Sugar Block BOM and we've agreed to share each month's completed block on the last friday of the month, hence my post today.
It's amazing how different each of our finished blocks look, despite us using the same pattern. Just proves how the fabric selection can give the designs a whole new perspective, depending on how and where light, dark and medium shades are used.

Smashing - am loving the strong black with the softer pinks - fab effect matey
Hi Wynneth
Great job with the block this month, it's beautiful. I enjoyed this month much more than the previous one.
K x
Love the block Wynneth. Its beautiful. Hugs
It's gorgeous Wynneth, your ideas sound fab. Will it be a quilt or what is it's future...time will tell. I'm excited to find out.
Off now to check out the other 2.
Hope you are having a great Easter.
Katie xx
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