I've now completed seven of the thirty days so still have quite a way to go yet ! There's no deadline, I'm just creating a page when inspiration strikes.
Sadly my Dad was admitted to hospital yesterday with another suspected heart attack - I just heard that he had a comfortable night and there are more tests planned for today. He's likely to be in hospital for at least another three or four days, but his condition is stable for now which is great news. He's not yet well enough to be chasing his nursie round the ward, but he's feeling quite positive I understand !
Love Ya Dad xxxxx

Sorry to hear that your dad is in hospital - I do hope his health improves quickly and is back home safe and sound again. Best wishes being sent to you all.
A lovely page to celebrate your dad - I think you've done a fantastic job. Keep up the SMASHing work. x
fabulous page wynneth, i do hope all goes well with your dad. x
What a lovely page Wynneth. Very best wishes to Andy for a speedy recovery. Lx
FABBY SMASH page Wynneth, your dad looks so chirpy and let's hope he soon will be again - give him our regards when you are able to speak with him
great page, sending get well wishes x
Oh, Wynneth. How is he hun?
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