Having been craft starved for more than three weeks I couldn't wait to get back to my stash and table of craftiness and headed straight there the morning after arriving home. Sat there for a while, sorted through a few things but just couldn't get inspired to create a single card, guess Mr Mojo has a real 'strop on' as he'd been left 'home alone' for so long. I suppose he could be hiding underneath the post-vacation ironing pile, but I don't feel inclined to search in there for him !
Without inspiration for even one card, I turned my attention to my sewing machine. Sure enough, I had some fabrics ready cut out for a project I had intended to start before I went away. I wanted to try a new style of quilt and also have another go at freehand machine quilting - scary stuff I can tell you ! I had a pile of fat quarters in a striking vibrantly coloured chevron design which I couldn't decide what to use for. Here's what I made with them, it's called a 'raw edge' design as the seams are exposed on the front of the quilt, rather than being hidden inside covered by the backing.
This is the front with the raw edges
Here's the back - as you can see these seams are smooth
You achieve this look by quilting the front square, batting/wadding and back square together with your chosen design. Then stitching each of the squares together, clipping the seems then washing and tumble drying the quilt to make the seams fray even more - this type of quilt improves the more it's used and washed I believe. Even after this first wash the seams are lovely and soft and fluffy.
Here's a couple of close up pix which show the freehand machine quilting details a little more clearly - I need to practice MFQ a great deal more before attempting it on a quilt made from precious and costly fabrics. Still, this was a nice way to practice rather than just stitching on scrap fabric pieces and I do have a lovely finished quilt to use.
Sewing has got my creative juices flowing again and this morning I managed to make three cards, I'll be sharing them with you tomorrow as they are my DT cards for this week's Cute Card Thursday Challenge.Hope you enjoyed your visit here today, I apologise again for the gap in posts on here, hopefully I'll get back to 'normal' very soon and have lots of new project to share with you.

Simply smashing - love the chevrons .... particularly the purple ones!
Feel better soon both
glad you are back safe and reasonably sound from your holiday in the sun! saying that, we have had some nice weather here too .. .. and it's not so easy to stay in doors and craft when the garden is bekoning. I hope to get over to see you again soon, it's been ages - I've forgotten what you look like!
hugs, annie x
Sorry to year you have been ill wynneth and on hols too. Take care, hope you will be fighting fit very soon. I do love that quilt. X
Good to have you back Wynneth. Glad you had a great time with the boys but sorry to hear you and Tom got germies. Take it slowly to get back to your wellness sweetie.
Gorgeous quilting to start with and three! Cards! Wow you go girl. Just don't over do it.
Y to have you back. Hugs Cherry X
ooh love this - that chevron fabric is gorgeous! x
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