There just seems to be so much stress and unhappiness around at the moment, in the UK, globally and especially amongst my lovely friends and family. So my theme for the week is 'Zen' and the following is what I've asked everyone to do. You might like to join in and try this for yourself, I'd love to hear what your experiences are if you do and please include a link to any project you create, I'd be fascinated to see what you've made.
Take a moment, sit down in a lovely quiet place, relax and take a nice deep breath and let it out slowly, clear your busy mind and just let the word 'Zen' float through your consciousness. Relax and let your creative imagination run free to create a project (anything you like) inspired by whatever the word Zen brings to mind.
Relaxation and meditation are a great way to help reduce stress and anxiety, but not always easy when we are busy, sad, in pain or just restless and ill at ease.
I chose the lovely image by ArtKure to create my card. Just looking at this scene calms me and I can just imagine sitting there looking out towards Mount Fuji and breathing in the clean mountain air. The ray of sunshine slanting across the top of the card does make it look as if the top is angled, it isn't IRL but I didn't want to block off the sun as we've seen so little of it here this year.
Enjoy your Sunday and do try to find a little calm space in your day just for You, to relax and re-charge your batteries - it need only be five or ten minutes but you will feel the benefit.

Your card is gorgeous Wynneth - though I have NO IDEA what the writing says!
Delightful topic as it's so open to interpretation as I read it to mean ANYTHING which helps you to relax and enjoy life.
A Happy and relaxing Sunday to you
Zenmaster Kathyk!
Love your card and it has been nice having you as GDT this week on CMLI. I was a bit stumped for Zen though. I found I had some bits and pieces given to me from Hong Kong from when Mum and Dad went their last Feb but not too sure what to do with them- never done oriental cards before. Maybe I'll see the light in the week. Thought you might want to see these cards I did make today with the concertina flowers- thanks for the tip on how to make them. x
Wonderful work and a great theme Wynneth. Looking forward to clearing my mind..... Lx
Just reading your post and looking at your gorgeous creation have relaxed me already - especially after a very long day at work!
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